前缀 prefix
1 a-[OE] on, in
afoot(a.&ad. 徒步,在进行中) agape(a.&ad. 张开着;洞开着) astride(a.&ad. 跨着)
2 a-(an-)[GK] not, without
anechoic(a. 无回声的) anharmonic(a. [物]非谐的) asocial(a. 不合群的) ahistorical(a. 与历史无关的)
3 ab-(abs-) away from, off
abscond(v. 逃匿,潜逃;避债) abduct(v. 诱拐;劫持) abstain(v. 戒;节制) aberrant(a. 不循常轨的;不走正路的) abject(a. (指境况)凄惨的;绝望的,(指人﹑ 动作或行为)无耻的,下贱的,卑鄙的 abnegate(v. 放弃) abscess(n. 脓肿) abscind(v. 切断)
4 ad-(ac-, af-, etc.) to, at
adit(n. 途径;入口) acquiesce(v. 默认;顺从;默许(一计划﹑ 结论等)) affront(v.&n. 侮辱(某人);冒犯) aggrandize(v.增加;夸大;强化) allocution(n. 训示) annihilate(v. 完全消灭,歼灭) append(a. 附加;挂上) arrect(a. 倾耳注意的;警觉的) attune(v. 使协调,使合拍)
5 ante- before, in front of
antediluvian(a. (基督圣经中所说的)大洪水以前的,(口)完全过时的) antedate(n. 比实际要早的日期 v. 先于,早于 anteroom(n. 接待室,前厅)
6 anti-(ant-) against, opposing
antipathy(n. 反感,厌恶) anthelmintic(a. 驱肠虫的 n. 驱肠虫剂) anticlimax(n. 突降法,令人扫兴的结局) antiseptic(a. 防腐的,抗菌的 n. 抗菌剂,防腐剂)
7 be- about; completely, to make; to provide with
beset(v. 困扰,围攻) bestir(v. 发奋,振作) bedevil(v. 使困扰,烦恼) belittle(v. 轻视,贬低) bejewel(v. 饰以珠宝) bedew(v. 沾湿)
8 bi-(bin-) two; twice; doubly bicameral(a. 有两个议院的,两院制的)
9 by- secondary; near by bywork(n. 副业,业余工作)
10 circum- around, about
circumambulate(v. 绕行) circumference(n. 圆周线,圆周) circumspect(a. 周到的;谨慎的) circumstantial(a. 按照情况的;详细的) circumvent(v. 设法克服或避免(某事物);规避;回避)
11 com-(co-, col-, con-, cor-) with, together
coagulate(v. (使)结块;(使)凝结) coerce(v. 迫使;强迫)
12 contra- against, opposite
contraband(n. 走私货 a. 违禁的) contravene(v. 违反,抵触)
13 counter- against, opposite, in return counterpoise(n. 平衡,均衡)
14 de- down; away, to undo; to make down or away
debar(v. 阻止,排除,防止) detract(v. 贬低,减损) decapitate(v. 将…斩首)
15 di- twice, two
diarchy(n. 两头政治) digraph(n. 读单音的两个字母)
16 dia-(di-) through, across diuretic(a. 利尿的 n. 利尿剂)
17 dis-(dif-, di-) apart; to undo; lack of, to remove; not
dimidiate(v. 将… 对分 a. 两分的) disrobe(v. 脱衣服)
18 en-(em-) to put into; to make
enact(v. 制定(法律),颁布、通过(法案)) embody(v. 使具体化,体现)
19 ex-(e-, ef-) out, out of, former
exonerate(v. 宣布某人无罪过) ebullient(a. 热情奔放的)
20 extra- outside; beyond extravagant(a. 奢侈的;铺张的,过度的)
21 for- forth; away forswear(v. 发誓放弃,作伪证)
22 fore- front; before; beforehand
forementioned(a. 上述的) foreclose(v. (指已放出抵押贷款的银行等)取得(某人)的财产(通常因未偿付贷款))
23 in-(il-, im-, ir-) not; lack of
inopportune(a. 不凑巧的;不合时宜的) infallible(a. 不会犯错误的,无过失的) innocuous(a. 无害的,不会招致反对的) intemperate(a. 无节制的;过度的)
24 in-(il- ,im- ,ir-) in, into; on, upon; towards
imbibe(v. 饮入;吸收) irradiate(v. 照耀;使发光)
25 inter-(intel-) between; mutual, mutually
intercede(v. 代为请求,说情) interdict(v. 禁止(行动),禁用(某物) n. 禁令) interflow(v.&n. 交流,互通)
26 kilo- one thousand kilovolt(n. 千伏)
27 mal-(male-) bad, badly; evil, evilly
maladminister(v. 对…管理不善) maltreat(v. 粗暴地对待;虐待) malpractice(n. 玩忽职守;营私舞弊;渎职) malediction(n. 诅咒,咒骂 ) malefaction(n. 犯罪行为) malevolence(n. 恶意,狠毒)
28 micro- small, very small; one millionth
microbe(n. 微生物;细菌) microgramme(n. 微克)
29 mis- bad, badly; wrong, wrongly
mistreat(v. 虐待) misdeem(v. 错认为,错认)
30 multi- many; having many; many times
multiflorous(a. 多花的) multishift(a. 多班制的;分几班轮流的)
31 non- not; absence of; without nonsensical(a. 无意义的;愚蠢的)
32 ob-(oc-, of- ,op-) toward; against
obdurate(a. 倔强的;顽强的) obnoxious(a. 极不愉快的;讨厌的;可憎的) obvert(v. 将…转向某物体)
33 out- out, outside; more than, to surpass, to be more than
outdo(v. 胜过;超过) outwit(v. 以智取胜,以计击败)
34 over- above, across; too; too much
overdue(a. 过期的;到期未付的) overfreight(n. 超载)
35 para-(par-) beside, near; related to, subordinate to
paralogism(n. 谬论) paralogize(v. 作谬误推论) parasitize(v. 寄生于;侵害) parasitic(a. 寄生的;由寄生虫引起的) parish(n. 教区) parody(n. 滑稽的模仿诗文) parhelion(n. 假日,幻日) paraprofessional(a.&n. 辅助专职人员的(人)) paratyphoid(n. 副伤寒)
36 per- through; throughout; thoroughly; to destruction
perennial(a. 长久的;持久的,一再的;反复出现的,多年生的) peruse(v. 详细考察;精读)
37 peri- around; near
periphrasis(n. 迂回说法;迂回曲折的文字) periscope(n. 潜望镜)
38 post- after; behind
posthumous(a. 死后的,身后的) postdate(v. 在(文件等)上填入比实际晚的日期)
39 pre- before, beforehand; in front
preempt(v. 先取;先占) preliminary(a. 预备的;初步的)
40 pro- forward, forth, out; in favour of, in place of
profane(a. 不敬神的;渎神的) procurator(n. 代理人) pronatalist(a.&n. 赞成提高人口出生率的(人))
41 re-(red-) back; again; against
regress(v. 退回;倒退) remit(v. 汇(款)) repellency(n. 抵抗性;反击性;排斥性) redintegrate(v. 使恢复完整;使更新) redound(v. 回报;报应)
42 se-(sed-) apart, aside, away
secede(v. 退出;脱离) sedition(n. 煽动叛乱的言论或行动)
43 self- oneself; by oneself; automatic, automatically
self-winding(v. (钟表)自动上发条的) selfsame(a. 完全一样的,同一的)
44 semi- half; partly; half a time or twice
semimanufacture(n. 半成品) semiprecious(a. (宝石)次等的;次贵重的)
45 sub-(suc-, suf-, etc.) under; subordinate; incompletely; further
subaltern(a. 下级的,副的) surreptitious(a. 偷偷摸摸的;秘密的)
46 super- above; beyond; more than; excessively
superficial(a. 表面的,肤浅的;浅薄的) superfluous(a. 过剩的;多余的,不必要的) supersede(v. 取代,接替) supercilious(a. 目空一切的)
47 sur- above, beyond
surpassing(a. 非凡的;超越的;无比的) surcoat(n. 外衣)
48 syn-(syl-, sym-, sy-) with, together
synchronous(a. 同时发生的;同步的) syllogism(n. 演绎推理;三段论法)
49 tele- afar; operatingover a distance; having to do with television, etc.
telepathy(n. 心灵感应,传心术) teletypewriter(n. 电传打字电报机)
50 trans-(tran-, tra-) across; beyond; over
transact(v. 执行;办理 ) transpire(v. 排出,蒸发,泄露) transfigure(v. 使改观;美化)
51 tri- three; having three triune(a. 三位一体的)
52 ultra- beyond; on the other side; excessively
ultramarine(a. 海外的,群青色的) ultraconservative(a.&n. 极端保守的(人)) ultramodern(a. 超现代化的)
53 un- not; lack of; to undo, to remove
untimely(a. 不合时宜的,过早的) unbend(v. 弄直,放松;使松懈) unman(v. 使失去男子气质,阉割,使怯懦,使气馁)
54 under- under, beneath; lower; not enough
undervalue(v. 低估;小看,轻视) undersupply(v. 对…供应不足) underpopulation(n. 人口稀少;人口不足)
55 up- up; upward; upper; to make … upward upsurge(n. 急剧增长;上升)
56 with- against; away; back; with withhold(v. 保留,不给;抑制;隐瞒)
后缀 suffix
1 -able(-ible) a. that can be~ed; able to be~ed permissible(可允许的,许可的)
2 -age n. ①the act or result of~ing ②a group of or a place for~s; the condition of~
breakage(n. 破损,损坏) orphanage(n. 孤儿院) pupilage(n. 学生时期;学生身份) visage(n. 面貌)
3 -al(-ial,-ical,-ual) I a. of~;like~;having the nature of~Ⅱ n. the act of~ing official(a. 官员的 n. 官员)
4 -ance(-ancy) n. the act or fact of~ing; the state or quality of being~ed; a thing that~s; what is~ed
conveyance(n. 传送,运送,表达) contrivance(n. 发明;设计;发明物) ascendancy(n. 优势;支配地位)
5 -ant I a. that~s;~ingⅡ n. a person or thing that~s
accordant(a. 一致的) errant(a. 周游的;不定的;错误的;偏离正路的) disinfectant(n. 消毒剂, 杀菌剂) pendant(n. 下垂物,垂饰)
6 -ar(-ular, -icular) Ⅰa. of~;like~;having the nature of~Ⅱn. one that is connected with~
popular(a. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的) bursar(n. (大学等的) 财务主管) justiciar(n. 最高司法官,高等法院法官)
7 -ary Ⅰn. a place for~; a collection of~s; a person or thing connected with~Ⅱa. of~;being~;characterized by~
aviary(n. 鸟类饲养房;鸟舍) formulary(n. 公式汇编;处方集,药典) honorary(a. 荣誉的,光荣的) customary(a. 习惯的;常例的)
8 -ate I a. of~; having~; like~Ⅱ v. to become~or cause to be~; to produce~; to supply or treat with~; to combine with~Ⅲ n. salt made from~, etc.
collegiate(a. 大学的;学院的,大学生的) stellate(a. 星形的;星状辐射的) ulcerate(v. 形成溃疡) oxygenate(v. 氧化) insolate(v. 曝晒)
9 -dom n. ①the rank or realm of~; all who are~s; ②the condition or fact of being~ officialdom(n. 官场吗,官僚作风)
10 -ed a. having~; having the characteristics of~
gifted(a. 有天赋的) kind-hearted(a. 仁慈的;好心的) medium-sized(a. 中型的)
11 -ee n. a person who is~ed; a person to whom sth. is~ed; a person who~s
inductee(n. 就任者,应召入伍的士兵) mortgagee(n. 承受抵押人,受押人) standee(n. 戏院中或交通工具中的)站立看客;站票观众) donee(n. 受赠者,受赠人)
12 -en Ⅰ v. ①to cause to be~; ②to cause to have~Ⅱ a. made of~; having the look of~ gladden(v. 使高兴;使快乐)ashen(a. 灰色的;苍白的)
13 -ence(-ency)n. the act or fact of~ing; the quality or condition of~ing
effluence(n. 流出;(水、光等)流出,射出,发出) sentience(n. 感觉;感觉能力) pungency(n. 尖锐,辛辣)
14 -ent Ⅰa. that~s; ~ingⅡn. one that~s
absorbent(a. 能吸收的) corrodent(a. 腐蚀的 n. 腐蚀剂) detergent(n. 洗涤剂)
15 -er n. ①a person or thing that~s ②a person living in~; a person who makes or works with~; a person who has~ hatter(n. 制帽工人;帽商)
16 -ery n. ①a place for~ing ②a place for~s; the art or occupation of a~; the condition, quality or action of a~; a group of~s
nunnery(n. 女修道院;尼姑庵) cookery(n. 烹调术) knavery(n. 流氓行为;欺诈) machinery((总称)机器,机械) effrontery(n. 厚颜无耻) treachery(n. 背叛;变节)
17 -ful Ⅰa. full of~; showing~; having the qualities of~; that can be of~Ⅱn. as much as a~can fill
masterful(a. 好支配人的;专横的 ,名家的;熟练的) bashful(a. 害羞的,忸怩的)
18 -fy(-ify, -efy) v. to make~, to cause to be~; to become~
petrify(v. 使石化,使(因惊慌等)发呆) stupefy(v. 使惊得发呆,使麻木;使失去感觉) putrefy(v. (使某物)腐烂,腐败,腐坏,变质) torpify(v. 使麻木,使迟钝)
19 -hood n. the state or quality of~; the character of~; a group or body of~s; a concrete instance of~
priesthood(n. 教士身份;教士职位 ,全体教士) falsehood(n. 谎言;假话;虚假)
20 -ic Ⅰa. of~; having the nature of~; being~; made up of~; made or caused by~; like~Ⅱn. an art or system of thought; a person connected with~
bombastic(a. 夸夸其谈的,空洞的) quixotic(a. 堂吉诃德式的;富于浪漫幻想的;不切实际的) rhetoric(n. 修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻)
21 -ion n. the act or process of~ing; the result of~ing; the condition of being~ed; a thing or process that~s
falsification(n. 弄虚作假;歪曲) inhesion(n. 内在,固有,天赋) retention(n. 保持;记忆力)
22 -ish a. ①like~; of~; tending to~; about or slightly past~ ②somewhat~
bookish(a. 好学的;勤学的,书生气的) peevish(a. 易怒的;闹别扭的)
23 -ism n. ①the doctrine, theory or system of~; a disease caused by~ ②the quality or condition of being~; instance of being~
alcoholism(n. 酒精中毒) criticism(n. 批评;批评性意见;评论) evanchism(n. 复仇主义)
24 -ite n. ①an inhabitant of~; a descendant of~; a supporter or follower of~; a person associated with~ ② a mineral species; a fossil; an explosive; a chemical product
Canaanite(n. 迦南人) Israelite(n. 以色列人,犹太人) Trotskyite(n. 托洛茨基分子) laborite(n. 工党党员;劳工党党员或其支持者) hematite(n. 赤铁矿) lignite(n. 褐煤) nitrite(n. 亚硝酸盐)
25 -ity(-ty, -ety) n. the condition, quality or fact of being~
laxity(n. 松驰;放纵) verbosity(n. 累赘;冗长) propriety(n. 妥当;得体)
26 -ive a.(n.) ~ing; having the quality of~ing; tending to~
interrogative(a. 讯问的;疑问的) punitive(a. 给予惩罚的;惩罚性的) prerogative(n. 权利;(尤指)特权)
27 -ize(-ise) v. to make~; to become~; to engage in or use~; to treat in the way of~; to act like~
dramatize(v. 把…改编成剧本 ,演戏般地做作) cauterize(v. 烧灼)
28 -less ①without~; lacking~; free from~ ②that never~s; that cannot be~ed soundless(a. 无声的,深不可测的;无底的[sound v. 测量(水深)])
29 -logy n. the doctrine, study or science of~; the speech or discussion of~
eulogy(n. 颂词;赞词;颂扬;悼词) tautology(n. 同义反复, 赘述)
30 -ly a. like a~; characteristic of~; suited to~; occuring once a~; of or being a~
brotherly(a. 兄弟般的;友爱的) ghostly(a. 幽灵的;可怕的;影子似的) heavenly(a. 神圣的;天上的;天国似的)
31 -ment n. the act or state or fact of~ing; the condition of being~ed; the product or result of~ing; the cause or means of~ing embankment(n. 防水堤;堤岸;(铁路或公路的)路堤)
32 -ness n. the quality or condition of being~; ~action or behaviour; an instance of being~ preparedness(n. 有准备;做好准备)
33 -or n. a person or thing that~s
tractor(n. 拖拉机) desiccator(n. 干燥器)
34 -ory Ⅰ n. a place of~ing; a thing used for~ing Ⅱa.~ing; characterized by~ion; tending or serving to~
observatory(n. 天文台;气象台) directory(n. 人名地址录,(电话)号码簿) illusory(a. 错觉的;产生幻觉的;幻影的;虚假的) conciliatory(a. 抚慰的,安抚的)
35 -our(-or) n. the act, state, quality or characteristics of~ing
ardo(u)r(n. 热情;热烈) tremor(n. 颤动;颤抖,激动;兴奋)
36 -ous a. having~, full of~; characterized by~, having the nature of~; having to do with~; of~; like~; practising~
thunderous(a. 雷鸣般的;声音很大的) ferrous(a. 亚铁的;铁的,含铁的) flagitious(a. 罪大恶极的;凶恶无耻的;穷凶极恶的)
37 -ry n. ①the occupation of a~; the act of a~; the quality or condition of a~; a collection of~s ②a place for~
dentistry(n. 牙科;牙科学) devilry(n. 恶行;残暴) peasantry(n. (总称)农民) vestry(n. 法衣室) pantry(n. 餐具室;食品室;食品储藏室)
38 -ship n. the position or occupation of~; the quality or condition of being~; the act or skill of~; the relation between~s; the number of~s
authorship(n. 作者身份,著述;写作) workmanship(n. 技艺,工艺) readership(n.(报纸杂志拥有者的)读者(数))
39 -some a. ①causing~; ②tending to~; ③~to a considerable degree
meddlesome(a. 好干涉的;爱管闲事的) gladsome(a. 令人高兴的;可喜的;欢乐的) noisome(a. 令人不快的;令人讨厌的;有臭味的)
40 -th n. ①number~in order; ②the action or process of~ing; ③the quality or condition of being~
stealth(n. 秘密行动;鬼祟;秘密) coolth(n. 冷静,漠然,凉爽) mirth(n. 欢笑;高兴) sloth(n. 懒惰)
41 -ure n. the act or fact of~ing; the condition of being~ed; the result of being~ed; sth. that~s or is~ed
legislature(n. 立法机关;立法机构) flexure(n. 屈曲;弯曲部分;打褶)
42 -ward(s) a. & ad. tending to~; in the direction of~; toward~ homeward(ad.&a. 在归途上(的),向家地(的))
43 -wise ad. in a~manner; like a~; in the direction of~; in the~respect
slantwise(ad. 倾斜地;歪斜地) otherwise(ad. 在其他方面;除此以外)
44 -y(-ey) a. ①full of~; containing~; characterized by~; resembling~; ②somewhat~; ③inclined to~
faulty(a. 有缺点的;不完善的) skyey(a. 天空般的;天蓝色的)
45 -y n. ①the act of~ing; ②the condition or quality of being~; a group of~s; ③ ~condition or quality
jealousy(n. 妒忌;嫉妒) beggary(n. 赤贫,行乞(生涯)) entreaty(n. 恳求)