Rosenshine’s Principles of Direct Instruction
- Begin a lesson with a short review of previous learning (Remember task)
A task or discussion to recap learning from the previous day, week or topic helps to embed learning into the long term memory and prepares the students to link new learning to existing schemas, building their cognitive load gradually.
- Present new material in small steps with student practice after each new step
Gradually add to the students’ cognitive load, allow time to embed their understanding in a practical way after each new load.
- Ask a large number of questions and check the responses of all students
Whiteboards and written examples which are shared in real time with the teacher are necessary to check understanding.
- Provide models/ Scaffolds
All students in Southlands School are aiming to achieve their very best for their life ahead and should be supported to do so.
- Guide Student Practice
Using interactive models as your next step or allowing students to try something in a limited way will ensure they can master the skill.
- Check for student understanding
Again, look to students to ensure that they are all able to move on to the next step using formative assessment strategies.
- Obtain a high success rate
If the work is of the correct level then all students should have a sense that they have understood and achieved. This will prepare them to increase their cognitive load and build their sense of achievement.
- Provide scaffolding and support
Scaffolding includes modelling the steps by the teacher, or thinking aloud by the teacher as he or she solves the problem. Scaffolding also may be tools, such as cue cards or checklists, that complete part of the task for the students, or a model of the completed task against which students can compare their own work.
- Require and monitor independent practice
Both in the classroom and at home, students need time to embed skills and practice. Deliberate practice is an important aspect of Southlands School.
- Engage students in weekly and monthly review
This should bring us back to the start of the lesson and is a great opportunity for tasks to ensure that students are aware of how their learning relates to earlier lessons and builds a schema around this.
- 先复习,后上课
- 小步子,讲练合
- 善提问,明联系
- 做示范,给样例
- 尝试练,获体验
- 勤检查,补缺漏
- 赢成功,有成就
- 供支架,破难点
- 独立练,求掌握
- 周回顾,月复习