Français | English |
le futur proche | the near future tense |
le futur simple | the future tense |
s’énerver | to get angry |
un mariage | a wedding |
Les terminaisons: ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont
- je mangerai, tu mangeras, il mangera, nous mangerons, vous mangerez, ils mangeront
- I will eat, you will eat, he will eat, we will eat, you will eat, they will eat
Example Sentences
- Je vais aller dormir.
- Je vais voyager à Paris la semaine prochaine.
- Je vais voyager en France pour Pâques.
- Je vais voyager en France dimanche prochain.
- Je voyagerai en France un jour.
- Je voyagerai en France quand je serai à la retraite.
- Je vais me coucher tôt ce soir.
- Tu vas comprendre.
- Tu comprendras.
- Elle va s’énerver.
- Nous allons partir vivre ailleurs.
- On partira vivre ailleurs.
- Vous allez regretter de ne pas aller au concert.
- Ah ! Vous regretterez.
- Ils vont gagner.
- Ils gagneront.
- J’irai en Afrique un jour.
- Tu changeras d’avis.
- Tu vas changer d’avis.
- Nous chanterons une chanson pour son anniversaire.
- Nous allons chanter une chanson pour son anniversaire.
- Nous chanterons quelque chose.
- Ils se marieront l’année prochaine.
- Ils vont se marier l’année prochaine.
- I am going to go to bed.
- I’m going to travel to Paris.
- I am going to travel to France for Easter.
- I am going to travel to France next Sunday.
- I will travel to France someday.
- I will travel to France when I retire.
- I am going to bed early tonight.
- You are going to understand.
- You will understand.
- She is going to get angry.
- We are going to leave to live elsewhere.
- We will live elsewhere.
- You are going to regret not going to the concert.
- Ah! You will regret it.
- They are going to win.
- They will win.
- I will go to Africa someday.
- You will change your mind.
- You are going to change your mind.
- We will sing a song for her birthday.
- We are going to sing a song for her birthday.
- We will sing something.
- They will get married next year.
- They are going to get married next year.