
se leverto get up
se rendre compteto realize
se rappelerto remember
complément d’objet direct (COD)the direct object complement

Example Sentences


  1. Il a pris les clés.
  2. Il les a prises.
  3. Elle a vendu sa voiture.
  4. Elle l’a vendue.
  5. Il a écouté ses employés avec attention.
  6. Il les a écoutés.


  1. He took the keys.
  2. He took them.
  3. She sold her car.
  4. She sold it.
  5. He listened carefully to his employees.
  6. He listened to them.


When using the passé composé in French, if the verb is conjugated with “avoir” and there is a preceding direct object (COD), the past participle agrees in gender and number with the COD. For example, in sentences 2, 4, and 6, the past participle agrees with “les clés” (feminine plural), “la voiture” (feminine singular), and “les employés” (masculine plural), respectively.