Français | English |
parler | to talk / to speak |
regarder | to look / to watch |
marcher | to walk |
étudier | to study |
travailler | to work |
aimer | to like / to enjoy / to love |
s’appeler | to be called |
acheter | to buy |
manger | to eat |
jouer | to play |
Conjugation of ‘parler’
- je parle
- tu parles
- il/elle parle
- nous parlons
- vous parlez
- ils/elles parlent
Example Sentences
- Je m’appelle Alicia et je parle français.
- Tu regardes un film.
- Il marche lentement.
- Elle parle beaucoup.
- Nous jouons aux échecs.
- Vous travaillez avec Jenny.
- Ils aiment le football.
- Ils jouent au football.
- Elles achètent les cadeaux de Noël.
- My name is Alicia and I speak French.
- You watch/are watching a movie.
- He walks slowly.
- She speaks a lot.
- We play chess.
- You work with Jenny.
- They like football.
- They play football.
- They buy/are buying the Christmas presents.