Example Sentences
- Calme-toi.
- Prends ton temps.
- Cassez deux œufs.
- Assieds-toi.
- Chante !
- Chantons !
- Chantez !
- Tais-toi ! Découvrons la fin de l’histoire.
- Étudie sinon demain l’examen sera difficile.
- Arrête de fumer. C’est mauvais pour votre santé.
- Parle avec lui, il peut t’aider.
- Ouvre la porte.
- Ferme la porte.
- Chantons pour son anniversaire.
- Rentre immédiatement !
- Oublie-le.
- Continuez tout droit. Tournez à gauche (droite).
- Montez. / Descendez.
- Calm down.
- Take your time.
- Break two eggs.
- Sit down. / Take a seat.
- Sing! (to one person)
- Let’s sing!
- Sing! (to two or more people / formal)
- Be quiet! Let’s find out the end of the history.
- Study, otherwise tomorrow the exam will be difficult.
- Stop smoking. It is bad for your health.
- Talk to him, he can help you.
- Open the door.
- Close the door.
- Let’s sing for his birthday.
- Come back immediately!
- Forget about him.
- Keep going straight ahead. Turn left/right.
- Go up. / Go down.